As a photographer, I've always been driven by an insatiable desire to grow and explore the depths of my own creativity. The idea of settling on a single genre has never appealed to me, for it would confine my artistic spirit within the boundaries of a box. Photography, to me, is a medium that thrives on boundless expression and the freedom to follow my passions wherever they may lead.

It's a beautiful thing to be able to follow my creative impulses, allowing them to guide me toward new horizons. Instead of conforming to a single style or genre, I find myself constantly seeking fresh perspectives and diverse experiences. Each moment that ignites my passion becomes an opportunity to capture a story, a feeling, or an essence through my lens.

Featuring: Madysen Schmidt

To embrace this constant exploration, I've made it my personal mission to engage in at least one creative shoot every month in 2023. These sessions stand apart from my regular portrait and headshot work because they are about more than simply pleasing the subject or even being technically correct. They serve as a gateway for me to unleash my own creative spirit fully. They become a canvas where I can experiment with editing techniques, storytelling elements, and push the boundaries of what's considered "normal."

Through these shoots, I invite others to join me on this voyage of creativity, regardless of whether they consider themselves models or not. I strive for a portfolio that is diverse and filled with captivating images of interesting women from all walks of life. It's an opportunity to collaborate with people I've never met before, who bring their unique personalities, stories, and beauty to the frame. Equally important, it's a chance to showcase the remarkable women who have influenced my life and become beacons of inspiration.

I believe that true beauty lies in the authenticity and diversity of the human experience. By collaborating with women I've never met before, as well as those who have shaped my journey, my aim is to capture the essence of each individual with a twist of the ethereal, magical, or strange.

Model/H&M: Madysen Schmidt

If the idea of participating in one of these creative shoots resonates with you, I encourage you to reach out. You don't need to be a model; you just need to be willing to be directed through the process. Together, we can create images that reflect the vibrant tapestry of femininity and capture the essence of your individuality.

Join me on this incredible journey, where creativity knows no bounds, and let's craft a portfolio that celebrates the beauty and diversity of women in all their glory. Together, we can weave a tapestry of captivating stories through the art of photography.

Some of the topics I want to cover this next year will be: Selkies, Elen of the Ways, Nordic/Viking Women, Fae, Rhiannon, Bloedwedd, Cailleach, Fire and Water elements, Macha, Mari Lwyd, Avalon, Lady of the Lake, Morgan Le Fay, The Lady of Shallot, Moths, Ring Stones...and so many more! I intend to create a blog post dedicated to each session if I'm able. The first few of these will focus on the recent creative sessions I've had with Carrie Olson, Madysen Schmidt and Heather Addis.

Model: Heather Addis HMUA: Starstruck Artistry