In the realm of photography, inspiration can stem from the most unexpected places. Such was the case with my recent photography project titled "In the Bosom of the Earth." The genesis of this shoot was a dream I had a couple of years ago—a surreal vision where my chest and stomach were turned into detachable pieces of armor, revealing a captivating world of moss, mushrooms, and wild creatures thriving within. Drawn to the concept, I sought to explore the intricate relationship between humanity and nature, celebrating its beauty, both terrible and lovely. Collaborating with the talented Madysen Schmidt, a local actress and model, this unique endeavor came to life, taking us on an unforgettable journey of creativity and self-expression.

As fate would have it, a serendipitous encounter brought Madysen Schmidt to my attention about a year and half ago when she became the owner of one of my cherished photographs of the Grand Opera House. And not too long after, I had the opportunity to watch one of my best friends in a local theater production of Midsummer Nights Dream, and Madysen played Titania, Queen of the Fairies. Intrigued by the idea of venturing into uncharted artistic territory, I approached Madysen, sharing my idea to do a creative photography session with her. To my delight, she resonated with the concept and a long conversation ensued. Eager to embark on this unconventional endeavor, we made a trip to the craft store, gathering materials that would allow Madysen to create her own distinctive look. The central theme of being reclaimed by nature served as our guide.

To truly immerse ourselves in the essence of this project, Madysen and I ventured into a local nature preserve, fully cognizant of the delicate balance between capturing extraordinary images and ensuring the preservation of the natural environment. Careful not to disturb the local wildlife and plants, we embarked on a two-hour journey through the preserve, where we got to do a little tour of one of my favorite areas to exist. We saw fawns and their parents, turtles and birds galore. Madysen donned a mix of bark, moss and lichen; and we had picked up some lotus pods we wanted to incorporate. It was during this exploration that the story I had envisioned in pieces began to take shape, unraveling before us in an almost backward progression. Yet, in a moment of inspiration, everything fell into place, and I could envision the perfect culmination of this concept—a single, powerful image that would blend life and decay seamlessly.

Guided by my vision, I made a peculiar request of Madysen—something photographers (or at least, I) don't ask of our subjects. I sought a blank expression, a semblance of lifelessness, akin to a state of being "dead." With professionalism and dedication, Madysen embraced my eccentricity, donning the requested expression and delivering her best interpretations between bursts of laughter with her companion and myself. After all, as a portrait photographer, it's often my job to illicit genuine smiles and joy from the people I photograph, it's hard to stop. But, it was through this collaboration that the final image of the collection emerged—a testament to the fusion of life and decay, a reflection of the symbiotic relationship we share with the natural world. The creation of this image stands as a personal triumph, a realization of a vision that held deep meaning for me.

To accompany the narrative that unfolded amidst the woods, I felt compelled to compose a poem—a lyrical expression of the emotions, inspirations, and experiences that infused this extraordinary journey. Through the interplay of words and imagery, I sought to encapsulate the essence of "In the Bosom of the Earth," offering viewers a glimpse into the profound connection we have with nature and the significance of embracing our place within it. I extend heartfelt gratitude to Madysen for joining me—a stranger just weeks ago—on this remarkable odyssey of strangeness, bringing her unique talent and spirit to create something truly extraordinary. Together, we have crafted a visual and poetic tribute to the beauty, resilience, and ever-evolving wonder of our natural world.

A whisper in the wood

Oh secrets how they grow…

Our tale of reclamation,

unfolds from down below.

A mycelial dance emerges, 

A beacon of decay,

Overtaking all our senses,

A remolding of the clay.

Dust and flesh this cycle,

Yet here we all pursue,

The dance of all existence;

And so begins, anew.

Find solace in the sunshine girl,

For we share a common birth,

And all return some fateful day,

To the Bosom of the Earth. 

I asked Madysen to share her experience with me on this project and wanted to take a moment to highlight her for her inspired contribution to my vision. Madysen started her modeling journey in 2017. Since then, she's had the privilege of being published several times including internationally and having her image featured as album art for local musicians. When she's not modeling, you can find her on stage performing in community theater, working in sales development, or at the gym.

"As an artist, it's always a wonderful time to collaborate with a photographer who has an idea of what they want the final result to look like. I typically like to get feedback from the photographer I'm working with to ensure that the makeup and outfit or what they envisioned. This process was no different but Cece gave me the space to play with the look and feel of this ethereal being I was going to be portraying. As a model, I often find myself relying on my acting skills. I don't just want to look like a character but I want to be the character and have their personality traits come across in the photograph. This shoot was no different and working on this with Cece was a dream. Her connection with the setting we were in and my acting abilities definitely helped create this fae-like being who found herself in a state of both alive and decay.

When considering the behind the scenes elements, one might just see a woman with moss and bark glued to her skin, laughing in between shots, and overall just making small talk with the photographer. But once the editing occurred, something truly magical happened. I saw the images of me, already beautiful and ethereal, turn into something completely otherworldly. I don't think we can look at one particular factor in a shoot and say which one is the best or the most important. When I look at the end result of these shots, I see the product of collaboration and the beauty that exists when artists come together to create something bigger than themselves. Cece definitely has a vision and can make even the most mundane seem extraordinary."

"In the Bosom of the Earth" is more than a photography session; it is an exploration of our interconnectedness with nature, a celebration of its duality as both a captivating and formidable force. Through the vision, dedication, and collaboration of Madysen and myself, this photo project has blossomed into an extraordinary expression of creativity and self-discovery. May these images and words inspire others to respect, protect, and cherish the natural world, recognizing that we are not separate from it but an integral part of its tapestry. I and so many others I believe are on a journey that revels in the strange, embraces the unique, and celebrates the extraordinary beauty that surrounds us.